Welcome to CREDA

What is CREDA?

CREDA ( Centre for Agrofood Economics and Development) is a research foundation that has the support of two institutions: the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and the Institute of Agri-food Research and Technology (IRTA).

Born in 2005, CREDA-UPC-IRTA was created with the intention of establishing a Catalan body dedicated to studying and researching the development of the agri-food sector, taking into account, mainly: the environment, the economy and consumers. Our center works for both public and private sector and government clients.

The analysis and reports developed by CREDA contribute to decision-making and management of governments, public entities and companies. With these actions, we want to achieve our main objectives:

In addition, the work of the CREDA is designed to follow and meet the maximum Sustainable Development Goals possible. In this way, all the projects and activities in which it collaborates, struggle to fulfill any of the 17.

Links of interest

15 May, 2019


15 May, 2019


28 March, 2017


24 April, 2019


Latest publications

Want to know more?

You will find more information about CREDA in this video!


Access the official documents of CREDA:

Board (Catalan) Statutes (Catalan) Gender Equality Plan (2022) Anti-Fraud Measures Plan* (Catalan)

*You can report, anonymously and securely, the commission of any actions or omissions included in the scope of application of Law 2/2023 to the Independent Authority for the Protection of the Informant, A.A.I., which in the case of CREDA is the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, as well as to the General Intervention Platform of the State Administration.

Annual accounts together with the audit report (Catalan):