Spring begins: time to cleanse the body!

CREDA – Amèlia Sarroca

Spring arrives and with it the long day, the warmer temperatures, the desire to be out the day … We reactivate ourselves just as the garden and fruit bowls do, after the winter lethargy. It is a good time to detoxify the body and eliminate the excesses that we may have had during the cold, with a high consumption of carbohydrates, fats and animal products. The detoxification and cleansing functions of the body icrease.

Vegetables and fruits that we find at this time, are rich in antioxidants and other vitamins, which help us to catch the rhythm. Some have a short and tight season, so you have to be clear about the calendar (although it is variable depending on the heat it touches, therefore, be guided by what you see at the stalls of the farmers markets or municipal markets).

Even so, it is worth taking advantage of the last crucifers (brocolis, brussels sprouts or kale) that are rich in glucosinolates (valuable anticancer agent, according to several studies), sweet and that allow multiple preparations (steamed, sautéed, pudding, gratin…). They are the last months of the artichoke, with the heat, it will be cultivated with a less tender interior and, therefore, less usable and not so good texture, you have to take advantage, since you will have to wait more than half a year to find again, and they are a good start of detoxification, digestion of fats (therefore, help control cholesterol) and with a very low caloric content and diuretic properties.

It is the time of carrots and sweet onions (although yes, we find them all year round), and it is worth taking advantage of to make good salads. Perhaps with a small previous fermentation, like coleslaw, along with the last celery and fennel bulbs of winter season that in April will cost to find. If you can find them ecological, much better, since their enzyme content will always be much higher and they will nourish the microbiota as no medicine can.

Beans, peas and snow peas are fresh legumes, very rich in fiber and protein, and very linked to Catalan culture. Gastronomic days are made in the Maresme, but it is worth buying in the markets, desaradas if you give us laziness or shelling them with the help of children and companions. Any activity around food unites us and makes it more pleasant once it goes to the mouth. In this sense, going to look for wild asparagus is also an activity to share and contact with nature. In addition, they are very rich in fiber and diuretics, very good scrubbers.

We leave behind the juicy citrus fruits of the winter, but not for that reason the source of vitamin C. Delicious strawberries are richer in vitamin C than oranges, 100 g of strawberries (and when we eat a serving it hurts to have 150) have 60 mg of vitamin C, which is the recommended daily dose. We find them almost all spring and above all, look for them in proximity! In the Maresme and Baix Llobregat we can find them delicious.

At the end of April the loquats begin, acidic and sweet, with a lot of juice and delicious, which can reach until June, but have a very short season. They are rich in potassium and provitamin A, as their color tells us. Also for a short time, between May and June, the cherries arrive, preferred by the little ones and for many older ones. They have many anthocyanins (such as beets) that are antioxidants with high purifying power. Then, already in May, apricots, nectarines and peaches. Rich in vitamin A (those with yellow meat), in the Ordal area we find them delicious, and in the Baix Llobregat we can find many peach trees among horticultural plantations. Above all, remember that proximity is always synonymous with better knowledge and more respect for the planet.


Do we pay a fair price for all these products?

The answer is yes, growing fruits and vegetables is very expensive, the work of the farmers requires many hours and effort. In addition, meteorological phenomena cause losses of up to 60% of productions when there are out-of-place frosts, windbreaks, slurries… Each new link in the chain results from a further increase in price, from farmers’ cooperatives to central fruit and vegetable markets, supermarket logistics centers… All intermediaries have costs to cover and benefits to generate with sales, as well as food waste that is vital to prevent but that can also be imputed.

What then is the best way to consume? I commented at the beginning of the article, seasonal. A fresh product, harvested as recently as possible and if it can be bought at farmer’s market stop, the better. But the season is the key. If you buy a pineapple at the farmer market, it will not be of proximity; if you buy tomatoes in February at the farmer market, they will not be of proximity; if you buy aubergines in April, they will not be of proximity; if you eat cherries in March, they will not be of proximity.

As I say, it is best to consume products from our surroundings, from home, that are grown at the right time. But as not everyone should be aware of what is the season of the different fruits and vegetables, the Department d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació provides us with a calendar that will surely serve you. In addition, this way you will consume food in its maximum splendor of nutrients, while ensuring a fairer price for the farmer. That being said, if you follow these tips, you will prevent food losses and waste from oversupply of product from outside, and your senses will thank you.

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