Sustainable Approaches to LAnd and water Management in MEditerranean Drylands


SALAM-MED has a group of living laboratories located in different areas watered by the Mediterranean Sea, which are considered critical points of degradation of soil and water. Specifically, these laboratories are located in: Matrouh (Egypt), Medenine (Tunisia), Essaouira (Morocco), Valencia (Spain), Messinia (Greece) and Sardinia (Italy).

Due to population necessities, the project has analysed and studied all these regions individually and in a personalized way, in order to apply different solutions in order to attack the main problems detected. If not, many of these areas would be forced to give up their main sources of maintenance, both personally and collectively, since, in many of them, the economy depends heavily on the agri-food sector.


SALAM-MED intends to present the tools and means necessary for researchers to address the processes of restoration and desertification of lands and agroecosystems and thus achieve results:


In the Mediterranean Sea area there is a large amount of land affected by land degradation and desertification due to the combination of recent climate pressures, together with the limited capacity these lands have to adapt.

Faced with this situation, SALAM-MED presents different aspects to work such as: (1) restoration of degraded land and improvement of adaptive capacity; (2) evaluation of ecosystems through social learning; (3) the incorporation of new tools, technologies and services; and (4) the promotion of sustainable development.


The overall focus of the project is a work system based on dual innovation, through which it is intended to develop and adapt new elements, technologies and practical solutions to combat the problems of drought and degradation, but it also encourages the implementation of modalities that facilitate contact and awareness of all parties involved, whether in a more or less strict way, such as scientists, final users, SMEs and NGOs.


May 1, 2022 – May 1, 2025


The SALAM-MED project responds to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

This project is part of the PRIMA programme supported by the European Union.

España Centro de Investigación en Economía i Desarrollo Agroalimentario – CREDA Universidad
España Abinsula ES Empresa
España Universidad Politécnica de Valencia – UPV Universidad
Italia Centro de Investigación de la Desertificación de la Universidad de Sácer– NRD Universidad
Italia Instituto para la Protección Sostenible de las Plantas – IPSP Instituto
Italia Departamento de Agricultura, Alimentación, Medio Ambiente y Silvicultura de la Universidadde Florencia – DAGRI Universidad
Italia Primo Pincipio PYME
Italia WeWorld – GVC Organización sin ánimo de lucro
Italia DesertNet International – DNI Organización no gubernamental
Francia Centro Internacional de Estudios Agronómicos Mediterráneos Avanzados – CIHEAM Organización intergubernamental
Grecia Centro de Investigación de Física Atmosférica y Climatología de la Academia de Atenas – AoA Universidad
Túnez Médenine-Agro-Tech Empresa
Túnez Instituto de las Regiones Áridas de Médenine – IRA Instituto
Egipto Centro de Investigación del Desierto – DRC Universidad
Marruecos Equipo de Biotecnología y Fisiología Vegetal de la Universidad de Cadi Ayyad – UCA Universidad



In SALAM-MED, CREDA is in charge of exploring the living lab approach that has been developed. In addition, it must propose a stakeholder mapping methodology and select the main core of each laboratory to activate the decision-making processes necessary for the sustainable adoption of different innovations and solutions in each of them.

It is also in charge of creating a guidance manual with recommendations for a good interview that enables creating a SWOT analysis and adopting natural-based solutions.


Principal researcher