PACTORES (pastoral actors, ecosystem services, and society) is a project working to improve the viability of pastoralism around the Mediterranean in the face of global change. Through 7 case studies in 6 countries around the Mediterranean basin, PACTORES investigates recent changes affecting pastoral communities as well as the livelihood strategies adopted by shepherds to mitigate these changes. A central aim is the creation of a coherent policy framework that supports the viability of the pastoral lifestyle and aligns social perceptions with the real value of the high-quality goods agro-pastoral systems provide.
Duration: December 2017 – December 2020
Project website:
CREDA’s Role
CREDA is the project coordinator and undertakes the Spanish case study in collaboration with UVic, with specific activities including assessment of the livelihood pathways of extensive farmers (WP1), assessment of pollinator abundance and diversity (WP2), and on-farm economic performance and societal demand for pastoral products (WP3). CREDA maintains the project webpage and is responsible for all communications, keeping project partners and the broader community updated about project advancements, results, and other information pertinent to pastoral systems around the Mediterranean.