November 08 (1) – Organising focus groups for SPRINT
Tianyu Zhang Jin and Chema Gil led two focus groups in two different settings: in the supermarkets of the Masymas chain and in the restaurants of the ARTIEM hotels.
The objective of the day was to obtain a list of possible interventions to implement in both areas with the intention of having an impact on people’s decisions to reduce food waste.
November 08 (2) – Educating about food waste
Amèlia Sarroca organized a session on food waste at the Institut Frederic Mompou of Sant Vicenç dels Horts during a day framed in the celebration of Science and Engineering Week.
She explained to the 1st year of Baccalaureate students aspects such as what agri-food production is and what its relationship is with climate change.
November 10 – Quantifying waste in hotels
During November, we have carried out several studies and analyses within the framework of the SPRINT project.
Tianyu Zhang Jin moved to Asturias to lead the quantification of food waste from the products displayed in the ARTIEM hotel’s buffet. This quantification will serve as a reference to verify the effect that the intervention will have once it is implemented.
November 13 – SWITCHtoHEALTHY updates
As part of the annual meeting of the SWITCHtoHEALTHY project, Djamel Rahmani, Kenza Goumeida and Amèlia Sarroca travelled to Istanbul. During the session, they presented the status of WP5, which is dedicated to monitoring data collected in the interventions to analyse possible dietary changes.
SWITCHtoHEALTHY is a project with the objective of developing tools, methodologies and educational strategies to promote the consumption and adherence to the Mediterranean diet in families.
November 14 – Teaching study methodologies
After attending the project meeting, Kenza Goumeida took the opportunity to visit Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi with SWITHtoHEALTHY partners.
She also led a session on methods for involving families in the study, and shared the methodologies used in CREDA to collect data, conduct questionnaires, and evaluate the environmental and economic impact of adhering to the Mediterranean diet.
November 27 – Progress in the BREADCRUMB project
Djamel Rahmani, Tafesse W. Gezahegn, Chema Gil and Saray Ramírez attended the general meeting of the BREADCRUMB project in Valencia.
For two days, the partners of the initiative shared the progress of work packages 2, 4, 5 and 6, and shared communication and dissemination strategies.
November 28 (1) – Organising a day at the Universiteit Gent
Djamel Rahmani led a course based on a Discrete Choice Experiment at the Belgian university. During his visit, he also participated as a jury member in the doctoral thesis defence of Esther Van Parys, a FoodMAPP project partner.
November 28 (2) – Knowing the opinion of the beekeeping sector
Selene Ornelas and Zein Kallas organized a focus group within the framework of the TECHONEY project with the aim of knowing the opinion of the beekeeping sector regarding two blockchain-related applications that have been developed within the project.
The session was attended by several actors from the honey value chain: beekeepers, retailers, consumer and consumer associations, horeca, etc.
November 30 – Continuing with the quantifications
Tianyu Zhang Jin travelled to Madrid to continue the food waste analysis of the SPRINT project. During her stay, she quantified the food discarded in the restaurant of the ARTIEM hotel with the aim of verifying the effect that the intervention will have once it is implemented.