CREDA Activities: June update

🗓️ June 04 – First Annual Meeting of HealthyW8

Djamel Rahmani and Amèlia Sarroca attended the first work session of the European project in Palma (Mallorca).

Partners from all over Europe gathered at the Hospital Universitari Son Espases (HUSE) to share ideas and promote our mission of a healthier future and effective prevention of obesity. All the entities that attended took the opportunity to collaborate and innovate for the prevention of this disease during the vulnerable stages of life.

🗓️ June 05 – Attending the 10th EAAE PhD Workshop

Kenza Goumeida presented her study on consumer preferences for prepackaged and cut salads, and Wafa Mehaba her research on the effects of promotional sales in the era of COVID-19.

The European Association of Agricultural Economists PhD Workshop is an opportunity for PhD students in Europe to get constructive feedback on their work from agricultural economists. In addition, both colleagues had mentoring sessions with experts Donato Romano and Iain Fraser.

🗓️ June 07 – Learn more about LAB4SUPPLY

Adrià Menéndez i Molist explained at the ‘Jornada de Portes Obertes de l’Agròpolis d’AgrotechUPC’ the operation and objectives of the European project LAB4SUPPLY, which comes to an end in July.

Access the full video.

🗓️ June 12 – INVITE comes to an end

Chema Gil participated in the final meeting of the IVITE project to present the analysis of the costs and benefits of the innovations developed over five years.

On the 11th, 12th and 13th of June, CREA RIcerca hosted around 70 participants from the project consortium in the last meeting before the next conference to be held in Brussels in December. Throughout the conference, dynamic debates were held on the application of innovations in the testing of plant varieties. In addition, a collaboration session was held with InnoVar with the aim of presenting the findings of both projects.

🗓️ June 20 – Transfer of knowledge at the AIEAA Conference

Mahdieh Khezrinejadgharaei participated in the 13th edition of a conference on social sustainability in European agriculture, held in Bari (Italy).

The PhD student presented Assessing sensitivity of global sustainability indicator to different composite methods; application to cereal farming in Catalonia, a work done together with colleagues from CREDA, Bouali Guesmi and Chema Gil. With the study of sustainability, the team from the Catalan centre has searched for a composite index method that makes advanced agriculture a more efficient and sustainable system.

🗓️ June 21 – Participating in the 18th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis

Bouali Guesmi presented his research ‘Measuring the sustainability efficiency of dairy in Mexico: a productive efficiency approach’, a work done in collaboration with staff from the Colegio de Postgraduados and the Natural Resources Institute Finland. The aim of the research is to determine the sustainability performance of Mexican dairy farms taking into account the following areas: technical, social and environmental.

EWEPA is the main conference dedicated to the methodology and application of the analysis of productivity, efficiency and performance of companies, public services and industries that welcomes academic and professional staff from all over.

🗓️ June 25 – Collaborating with the Ajuntament de Barcelona

Amèlia Sarroca represented CREDA in the IV trobada del Grup de Treball d’educació alimentària de l’Acord de Ciutat. The research support technician contributed his point of view with examples from the SWITCHtoHEALTHY and HealthyW8 European projects, to look for possible synergies to be carried out within the agreement.

During the session, a mapping was made of the municipal resources and experiences that have been carried out so far in the city of Barcelona, ​​and the calendar of the Working Group was defined.

🗓️ June 26 – What is our role at BREADCRUMB?

As part of the European project, Chema Gil shared the tasks that CREDA is carrying out. They are mainly two:

  • Validate the agent-based model (ABM) using the role-playing game (RPG).
  • Estimate an economic model to analyze how changes in the marketing standard at any stage of the supply chain affect the generation of food waste at that stage and at the remaining stages.

Access the presentation video.

🗓️ June 27 (1) – NOVATERRA: Final meeting

Zein Kallas participated in the first day of the final event, held at IRTA and the UPC, with the presentation of the validation and impact assessment of global solutions integrated by an effective and adapted IPM strategy, corresponding to WP5.

During the 26th and 27th of June, the partners of the Mediterranean initiative met to share the results and aspects to highlight in the search for more sustainable vineyards and olive groves.

🗓️ June 27 (2) – Analysing food waste with the Young Talents

Chema Gil collaborated in the 9a edició del Fòrum de Joves Talents which brings together 4th year ESO and 1st year high school students from all over Catalonia, this time in Berga. The director of CREDA attended as an expert on food waste and presented the paper Desperdicio alimentario, un gran reto para la sociedad.

The title of the 2024 conference ‘Tu i el Canvi climàtic’ brought to the table several topics around the actions that human beings can take to reduce or mitigate climate change. Expert scientific staff, young researchers, and students participated.