Provide evidence-based solutions for the food chain to prevent and reduce food waste related to marketing standards, and deliver climate and circularity co-benefits


The BREADCRUMB project was born as a response to the main problems that arise when implementing food marketing standards: (1) on the one hand, these standards increase the generation of food waste, by establishing standards that not all foods meet; and, (2) on the other hand, the classification of foods according to these standards leaves out a large part of the foods, which are labelled ‘suboptimal‘, but which are still suitable for human consumption. Therefore, BREADCRUMB seeks to propose a dual approach that limits waste and improves the market entry of these other foods.


During this process, BREADCRUMB’s objectives are:


January 01, 2024 – December 31, 2026


Not available




Marketing standards are a set of rules that guarantee that the market is supplied with agricultural products of standardized quality and that, at the same time, they satisfy the expectations of consumers, that is, they establish minimum quality requirements to market. and sell products for consumption.

The problem is that these marketing standards generally directly influence the increase in food waste throughout the supply chain. BREADCRUMB is a project that analyses the loss in the chains of five food products: fruits and vegetables (43%), meat (23%), eggs (29%), cereals (20%) and fish (51%).

Understanding the impact of these regulations is quite complex, since they cover many sectors that are regulated at different levels. Thus, the direct interaction with food waste is unclear and to obtain more comprehensive results it is necessary to evaluate the compensation of quality rules.

Therefore, the BREADCRUMB project aims to capitalize on cooperation opportunities with ongoing projects and initiatives and go beyond the state of the art, to present solutions applicable at both a political and business level.


The set of entities participating in the project will carry out various tasks that promote the creation of solutions applicable to different sectors, since the project does not cover only production, but the entire supply chain. Thus, the main tasks carried out in BREADCRUMB will be:

  • Creation of an inventory of public and private food marketing standards.
  • Creation of an empirical evidence base to generate estimates of the commercialization capacity of 5 products.
  • Modelling of the mechanisms that cause waste.
  • Improving market access for suboptimal foods by guiding food businesses.
  • Structuring the results in prevention and reduction policies.
The BREADCRUMB project responds to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

The BREADCRUMB project has received funding from the Horizon Europe – Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment grant agreement under European Commission grant agreement n°101136701.

Belgium Eigen Vermogen Van Het Instituut Voor Landbouw – En Visserijonderzoek – EV-ILVO Institute
Belgium Association de l’Aviculture, de l’Industrie et du Commerce de Volailles dans les Pays de l’Union Europeenne – AVEC Association
Belgium Fenavian Non-Governmental Organization
Italy Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita di Bologna – UNIBO University
Italy Natura Nuova spa Consortile Società Agricola – NN Association
Denmark Kobenhavns Universitet – UCPH University
Denmark Landbrug & Fodevarer FMBA – LF Association
Slovenia Inovacijsko Tehnoloski Grozd Murska Sobota – ITC Cluster
Slovenia Vila Natura D.O.O – VN Company
Slovenia Zavod Mensana Murska Sobota – MENSANA SME
Slovenia Zelena Tocka Trans – Center Zatrajnostni Razvoj, Z.O.O – ZT SME
Spain Centre de Recerca en Economia i Desenvolupament Agroalimentari – CREDA Research Centre
Spain Ainia SME
Spain ANECOOP Sociedad Cooperativa Company
Spain Asociación Organización de Productores Pesqueros Peix Blau de Catalunya – OPPPB Association
Spain PNO INNOVATION SL Consultancy
Germany Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production GGMBH – CSCP Non-profit organization
Germany GmbH Company
Portugal MC Shared Services SA – MC Company
Portugal Modelo Continente Hipermercados SA – MCH Company



CREDA has two main tasks within the BREADCRUMB project:

  • Validation of the agent-based model (ABM) using role-playing game (RPG).
  • Estimation of an economic model to analyse how changes in the marketing standard at any step in the supply chain affect the generation of food waste during it.


CREDA participates in a new European project: BREADCRUMB

We started a new project of the Horizon Europe program that aims to avoid the generation of food losses due to the marketing standards established in the agri-food sector.