Integrated novel strategis for reducing the use and impact of pesticides, towards sustainable Mediterranean vineyards and olive groves
NOVATERRA‘s project aims to reduce the use and negative impacts of Contentious Plant Protection Products (PPP) for integrated pest, disease, and weed management in the two main Mediterranean crops in Europe: grapevines and olives.
NOVATERRA will develop a pool of novel, integrated and sustainable strategies, technically and economically viable, resulting from three different approaches:
These approaches will be evaluated and validated in a combination of integrated solutions for updating and improving Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies. NOVATERRA’s outputs will also be key for further discussion with policymakers in terms of European Union plant health policies and risk assessment around PPPs usage.
Indicators for measuring the impact of crop management and protection on human health, air, water, soil, biodiversity, energy will be implemented. Further analyses will be done in terms of economic cost-benefit for farmers to adopt the different techniques and farmers and consumers’ willingness to pay.
The consortium composition will guarantee a multi-actor approach with contributions coming from research institutions, growers, technological SMEs, auxiliary industry and relevant associations.
Finally, the exploitation plan together with the communication and dissemination plan will ensure the outreach of results among the stakeholders in the European farming sector.
October 1, 2020 – March 31, 2025
The NOVATERRA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101000554.
Spain | Institut of Agrifood Research and Technology – IRTA | Public Organization |
Spain | Polytechnic University of Catalonia – UPC | University |
Spain | Bodegas Terras Gauda S.A. | Company |
Spain | Center for Agro-food Economics and Development – CREDA | University |
Spain | Spanish Technological Platform for Wine – PTV | Association |
Spain | Burgos’ University – UBU | University |
Portugal | Sogrape Vinhos S.A. | Company |
Portugal | Polytechnic Institute of Bragança – IPB | University |
Portugal | Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science – INESC TEC | University |
Portugal | Appitad-associação Dos Produtores Em Protecção Integrada De Trás-os-montes E Alto Douro – APPITAD | Association |
Italy | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore | University |
Italy | HORTA SRL | Company |
Italy | Consorzio Olivicolo Italiano – UNAPROL | Public Organization |
France | Vitagora | Association |
France | Dow AgroSciences | Company |
France | Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin – IFV | Research Center |
Grecee | Agricultural and Environmental Solutions – AGENSO | Company |
Grecee | Agricultural University Of Athens – AUA | University |
Grecee | Demeslis Athanasios | Particular |
Belgium | European Business Summit – EBS | Public Organization |
In NOVATERRA’s project, CREDA is responsible for evaluating the stakeholders’ acceptance of different alternatives to contentious plant protection products in vineyard and olive grove, besides performing the cost-benefit assessment for the proposed alternative technologies.
CREDA’s task aims at evaluating consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) and analyzing their purchase intention for products, in this case wine and olive oil, obtained with either control management of the disease or with promising treatment products identified in the project.
Launching NOVATERRA’s project
A new European research project, with the participation of CREDA, wants to reduce the negative impact of pesticides on vineyards and olive groves in the Mediterranean.