Co-creating sustainable and competitive fruits and vegetables’ value chains in Europe


Starting from current best practices and key success factors observed and analysed in innovative value chains and the state of the art in technological and non-technological approaches, CO-FRESH proposes to develop techniques, tools and insights for the re-design of agri-food value chains. Through collaborative and systemic approaches, the tools and formats will be applied in 7 pilot cases representing diverse fruit and vegetables agri-food value chains (including protein crops for food and feed) across Europe. CO-FRESH will use the Intervention Research approach to study models of collective innovation action within and across organisations.


The main objective of CO-FRESH is to (re)design and pilot innovative systemic approaches to agri-food value chains to guarantee:


The CO-FRESH consortium brings together key actors from pilot agri-food value chains: actors’ associations (farmers, food producers, cooperatives, consumers), experts in technological solutions (including digital) and non-technological (including social, organizational, and institutional), as well as experts in environmental, social, economic sustainability, and in consumer’s acceptance.


October 1, 2020 – March 30, 2024



The CO-FRESH project responds to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101000852.

Belgium Ghent University – UGENT University
Belgium Fruit Vegetables EUROPE – EUCOFEL Association
Belgium European Community of Consumer Cooperatives – EURO COOP Association
Belgium Cooperatives Europe Association
France Centre technique d’expertise agroalimentaire – ACTALIA Company
France Chambres d’Agriculture Pays de la Loire Organization
Germany Hohenheim University University
Grecee Future Intelligence Ltd. SME
Hungary Pilze-Nagy Kft. Company
Hungary National Association of Interest Representations for Small-scale Producers and Service Providers – KISLÉPTÉK Association
Hungary Research Institute of Organic Agriculture – ÖMKi Research Center
Italy Tecnoalimenti S.C.P.A. Research Center
Italy Alma Mater Studiorum – Bologna University University
Italy Le Terre di Zoè Company
Italy General Confederation of Italian Agriculture – CONFAGRICOLTURA Non-profit organization
Italy Enco Consulting – ENCO SRL Company
Holland Wageningen University University
Holland Food Valley NL Research Center
Poland Warsaw University of Life Sciences University
Poland Polish Association of Organic Fruit Growers – POLSKI EKO OWOC Association
Slovakia Bioeconomy Cluster Cluster
Spain National Centre for Food Technology and Safety – CNTA Non-profit organization
Spain Center for Agro-food Economics and Development – CREDA University
Spain Florette Ibérica S.L. Company
Spain Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producer Organizations of Almería – COEXPHAL Non-profit organization
Spain Innogestiona Ambiental S.L. Research Center
Spain Unica Group Cooperative



CREDA contributes to evaluating the best innovations (best practices) identified in the project that could be applied to the seven case studies. In addition, it is responsible for identifying possible successful innovations through a co-creation process and actively collaborates in the evaluation of the economic, social and environmental benefits of these innovations.

In the CO-FRESH project, CREDA focuses primarily on the socio-economic impacts of innovations using a concept of social life cycle assessment (LCA), evaluating and validating organizational, social, and social technological innovations. institutional and management defined and demonstrated in each pilot case of the value chain from the environmental, social and economic perspective, including the analysis of consumer acceptance.


Launch of a new Horizon 2020 project: CO-FRESH

The CREDA participates in the new CO-FRESH project, an innovation action project funded by the European Union Horizon2020 program, with the aim of promoting more sustainable and efficient agri-food value chains through concrete actions and approaches.