The Govern commits to guaranteeing the availability of quality and safe food

Published on October 10, 2024

The conseller of Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació, Òscar Ordeig, has assured that the new Law on the Food Chain will allow progress in sustainability criteria that will guarantee the availability of quality and safe food. In addition, he has emphasized that this initiative seeks to make it possible for 50% of the food purchased through the Public Administration to be local.

At the inauguration of the event in Barcelona, ​​Ordeig has stated that the roadmap will be articulated based on “criteria of sustainability, good management and modernization of irrigation systems, technical efficiency and, above all, making technological transfer“.

With the intention of maintaining the agri-food sector as the first in the country, the Department will call for aid from the Pla estratègic de l’alimentació de Catalunya, endowed with 18,5 million. Thus, a more sustainable, safe, fair, cohesive, resilient, healthy and universally accessible food system will be guaranteed.

The Cimera Fam Zero is an initiative co-organized by the Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació and the Xarxa de Regions Unides (ORU Fogar), which aims to eradicate hunger in the world and contribute to food sovereignty.

Access the press release.

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