CREDA presents results of the study “Catalan participation in European competitive funds 2014-2019” in the workshop “How to take advantage of European funds from Catalunya: present and future”

Published on December, 11th

CREDA participated yesterday in the conference “How to take advantage of European funds from Catalonia: present and future. Presentation of the study on Catalan participation in competitive European funds (2014-2019) ”organized by the Department of Foreign Action, Institutional Relations and Transparency.

The conference was attended by:

  • Sr. Bernat Solé, conseller d’Acció Exterior, Relacions Institucionals i Transparència
  • Alfonso González Bondia. Director General d’Afers Europeus i Mediterranis. Departament d’Acció Exterior, Relacions Institucionals i Transparència
  • Sra. Meritxell Serret, delegada del Govern davant la UE. Departament d’Acció Exterior, Relacions Institucionals i Transparència
  • Natàlia Mas, secretària d’Economia. Departament de la Vicepresidència i d’Economia i Hisenda
  • José María Martorell, director associat del Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)
  • Elisabet Nebreda, secretària d’Acció Exterior i Unió Europea. Departament d’Acció Exterior, Relacions Institucionals i Transparència
  • Albert Castellanos, secretari general del Departament de la Vicepresidència i d’Economia i Hisenda

It was held online with simultaneous transmission via youtube and had almost 200 attendees. On this day, our center presented the study Catalan participation in competitive European funds (2014-2019), conducted by our researchers Martin Alba (IP) and Anna Sagrera.

The study is accessible by following this link (website Europeans Funds). Here are some of the highlights:

  • 1400 Catalan organizations have been beneficiaries of European funds, 22.5% in Spain and rising trend (540 in 2019)
  • 1,638.1 million attracted (22.2% in Spain) and rising trend (330,1M€ during 2019)
  • 4017 projects involving Catalan entities and rising trend (890 in 2019) (28.1% of projects with Spanish participation)
  • For financing obtained, Catalonia is ranked number 15 in the UE28, levels similar in Finland and higher in Hungary, Ireland and Portugal)
  • The field of innovation, research and health concentrate 76.7% of the resources raised.
  • Catalonia is the leading Autonomous Community in Spain in access to the Horizon 2020 program with 1250.3 million euros raised.
  • Research centers concentrate 40% of the funding raised, companies 22 and universities 21%.
  • The 8 main entities benefiting from European funds in Catalonia are:
    • Consorci Barcelona Supercomputing Center (83,5 M€)
    • Universitat de Barcelona (73,3 M€)
    • Universitat Pompeu Fabra (69,7 M€)
    • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (68,5 M€)
    • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (67,1 M€)
    • Fundació Oxfam Intermón (63 M€)
    • Fundació Centre de Regulació Genòmica (62,2 M€)
    • Fundació Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (61,2 M€)

This project has been carried out by CREDA since 2017 and has had the support of the Departament d’Acció Exterior, Relacions Institucionals i Transparència and initially Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació.

Read in this link all the information about the workshop.

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