BLUE BIO MED is a strategic project that promotes the transformation of the field of the Mediterranean blue bioeconomy towards the Sustainable Development Goals through innovation.
The project supports better governance of innovation policies that link transnational governance frameworks assets in the Mediterranean area (ie UfM, UNEP-MAP, EUSAIR, WestMed, Bluemed Initiative, etc.) with the formulation of territorial – regional / national policies, assuming the 2020 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Objectives (SDGs) as a common frame of reference.
R&D strategies for smart specialization (RIS3) are the key entry point for understanding and guiding innovation trends and priorities in the MED regions and connect transnational cooperation with investments for growth and employment.
Duration: September 1st, 2020 – June 30th, 2022
Project website:
BLUE BIO MED is a project within the Interreg-MED program, within the Blue Growth area of the PANORAMED governance platform.
Interreg-MED is a Programme co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund
It is developed within a consortium with the following partners:
Pais | Partner |
Italy | ART-ER (Emilia-Romagna) |
Italy | AREA Science Park (Friuli-Venezia Giulia) |
Croatia | Ruder Boskovic Institute |
Greece | National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos |
Slovenia | Technology Park Ljubljana Ltd. |
Spain | Center for Agroo-Food Economics and Development |
Spain | Junta de Andalucía -Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing and Sustainable Development |
Montenegro | Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre Tehnopolis |
France | Conference of peripheral maritime regions of Europe |
Malta | Malta Council for Science and Technology |
Portugal | Directorate General for Maritime Policy |

The role of CREDA
CREDA will lead WP4 based on the trends and innovation priorities resulting from WP3. Partners will decide what challenges will be addressed through policy experiments describing their links with the SDGs and their relevance in the conceptual framework of the project.
CREDA will coordinate the design of a methodology with a shared approach for policy experiments (Activity 4.2), the criteria for identifying interested stakeholders, the structure and common contents of the individual experiment, and the final report.
Four transnational innovation policy experiments will be conducted around the selected challenges. One of the challenges will be ‘a plastic-free sea’, which will be addressed by CREDA. Based on the above experiments, a governance model of innovation policies aimed at meeting the challenges of sustainable development of the Mediterranean regions will be developed, considering the multilevel and transnational dimensions.
This model will be articulated in the first place around the specific challenge of ‘a plastic-free sea’ addressed by CREDA, in order to investigate and define the barrier that represents fragmentation, conflicts of interests, externalities, misalignment of action, and other governance failures.
In addition, CREDA will coordinate the WP2 (Communication) relating to the internal communication guidelines, managing the digital tools of the project (website, social networks), and producing promotional material.