The agri-food industries, more open to digitization than agricultural operations

Published on June 07, 2024

The Departament d’Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural (DACC) has presented the results of the survey carried out to the different actors of the Catalan agri-food chain (agriculture, livestock, advisors and agri-food industries) on the state of digitization and adoption of precision agriculture in the agri-food sector in Catalonia.

In total, 595 responses have been obtained from a total of 43 Catalan counties, which will serve to make an x-ray of the degree of implementation of digitization and new technologies in the sector. In addition, the analysis of the results will make it possible to detect training needs that will help to offer more personalized continuing education.

Main results

After analysing the results, the DACC team has concluded that the smartphone, together with the computer, is the most used device for the administrative management of companies. In addition, most agri-food industries use tools such as web pages or social networks to promote their activities or products.

Unlike these, the results show that the agricultural and livestock holdings do not have as much hands on with the use and knowledge of technologies and devices, so their level is practically initial.

With regard to the use of technologies considered part of Precision Agriculture, 19.5% of agricultural holdings do not use them, but approximately 20% use them all, although yes, only in certain areas of their surface In the same way, 17.1% of livestock farms do not use Precision Livestock technologies either, but 36% do make use of all of them.

See all survey results in the full report.

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